Everyone at AYSO Region 1231 is a volunteer.
Have you thanked a volunteer today?

Who runs my AYSO Region?
Volunteers. AYSO is an all volunteer organization created out of parents and friends working as coaches, referees and administrators. It's not unusual to find two, three or more children in the same family playing AYSO soccer. Coaches, referees, a registrar, a fundraiser, a field marker, a publicist, a treasurer - many people, all contributing their time and efforts to make AYSO a great program for our soccer-playing kids.
AYSO works because the volunteers work. We need you!! Please volunteer today. Click here to find out more about volunteering. Want to volunteer? Use the link above or email your local board at [email protected]!

Your all Volunteer AYSO Region 1231 Board of Directors
Every question is important and we want to hear from you. Thanks in advance for giving us time to answer your questions. Sometimes our day jobs get in the way of answering a phone call or email immediately. (But we are pretty fast!) We look forward to having you as a part of AYSO Region 1231!
Position | Name
| Email |
Regional Commissioner
| Sarah Wilson
| [email protected]
Assistant Regional Commissioner |
Regional Coach Administrator
| Juan Villa
Regional Referee Administrator
| Ben Wilson
Child Volunteer Protection Advocate
| Bobby Webb
Registrar Website Admin Communications
| Amanda Perkins
Treasurer | Falesha Villa
Safety Director
| Robert Perkins
Volunteer Coordinator
Secretary | Erin Tingle
Sponsorship and Fundraising Coordinator |

Help Desk for signing up as a player or volunteer: email us at [email protected]
AYSO National: (800)USA-
AYSO (800-872-2976)
Mailing address:

AYSO Region 1231
PO Box 1018
Willcox, AZ 85643
AYSO Area 12A.Jim Frey, Area Director
[email protected]
Website: http://ayso.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=736466AYSO Region 1231 is a part of the AYSO national program.
AYSO National Office
19750 S. Vermont Ave., Suite 200
Torrence, CA 90502
Have a complaint? We want to make things better as soon as possible
Please email us at: [email protected] or contact Sarah Wilson via text or phone call at 520-425-0471