Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Come play with us!


Now signing up Coaches & 
Assistant coaches!

Yes, we need you! 



Coach Administrator Contact Info:

If you are interested in becoming a coach, have a coaching question or a questions about the information on this page, please email 

What Info Should I email to the Coach Administrator if I want to be a coach?

When you email Regional Coach Administrator to let him know you want to be a coach or assistant coach, please send your phone number, which division and if it's girls or boys you'd like to coach or assistant coach, if you have a child that will be on your team and your child's name (so we can match your child to your team when creating teams), if you are a returning coach and what is the best time for you to attend a coaching class.  We will be holding coach training clinics and will post coach clinics here as well as email them to you. 

Game Score card

Please download, print, cut in two and fold in two - the file makes two scorecards.  Save the file and you will never run out!

Important information

  • All volunteers must submit a VOLUNTEER APPLICATION every year.  Every AYSO volunteer is back ground checked for the safety of all the kids.   You may not coach until this process has been completed each year.
  • All coaches need to receive the appropriate AYSO COACH TRAINING for the age group that you are coaching. Even if you coached last year, it is valuable to attend a coach clinic to warm up for the season. Your must attend a clinic if you are moving to an older age group this year, and have not been trained for that age group in the past. R.S.V.P to Coach Administrator.
  • All Coaches are required to have complete 2 online courses: SAFE HAVEN FOR COACHES and Concussion Training.  You will not be allowed to interact with children until you have taken these 2 training courses. You can log into the website to take the course online. You will need your volunteer ID number to log in.  How do I find my AYSO ID number?  If you log into your "Register Now" account, your AYSO ID is on your account.  It is also on the top right corner of your Volunteer Application.  If you still cannot find your AYSO ID number on your account, call 800-872-2976 and ask for the computer help desk.  You must have submitted a volunteer form to have an ID number.


Please also see the National AYSO website for information such as:  Becoming a Coach, Drills & Practices, Coaching News & Tips, FAQ, Etc.

Click here to redirect to coaches tab at

What is Shutter Fly?

Shutterfly helps organize your team and share photos with ONLY your team.
Click Here for Shutterfly website

Check out how to use Shutterfly to organize and communicate with your team:


How do I make a Shutterfly site for my team?

2 YouTube Shutterfly sets of instructions:

Coaches, check out the Area Tournaments you can enter your teams as well:
Area 12A website Tournament Schedule

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1231

AYSO 1231, PO Box 1018
Willcox, Arizona 85644

Email Us: [email protected]
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