AYSO Region 1231 Board would like to welcome you to a new and exciting season of AYSO soccer. The following pages are hopefully to inform you and to answer
most of your general questions regarding your soccer experience with us.
Team Parent Coordinator
AYSO Philosophy:

Everyone Plays Our goal for every player is to be able to play at least half of every game.
Balanced Teams The teams are put together in a manner so that in the age bracket of U-10 and up they are balanced as best as possible, many factors are put into the equation of balancing and a lot of time is put into this program to make the season fun for all. The U-6 and U-8 programs are put together more for school location so that the children might be able to play with someone they know.
Open Registration The program offers soccer for the age of 4 to 19 years of age. The location you play in is up to you what ever fits your needs.
Positive Coaching The coaches are trained in an approved program for AYSO philosophy. They will also follow safe haven policies and kid zone program.
Good Sportsmanship The program is made to create an environment that promotes as well as teaches the good sportsman ideas. This is to include parents as well as players.
Board Members
Click here to see the Board Members Contact Information. The Board members are all un-paid volunteers. They put in lots of time for our region each season for all of our kids. Thank them often.
AYSO Facts
The entire region is run by volunteers. They put in their time for the benefit of our children. The parent support we give our children is very important to them as well as to each individual team. So when you see that referee, coach, team parent or board member out during the season putting in their time remember you too can help in many ways so do not be afraid to ask if you can help, it will be greatly appreciated. The regional board is always looking for new and excited board members, if there is any interest to get involved contact the right individual on the board.
Finding a sponsor for your team helps keep registration fees down for all the kids. If you get a sponsor for your team and they give you $300.00 or more they should be put on the team banner and recognized for the entire year that way. They will also get a plaque from AYSO for the team sponsorship, a page on our website, a posting on FaceBook and an email blast to our parents. Further information for sponsorship can be attained from Cindy Wilson at 520-369-0444 or [email protected].
Banner requirements

- Minimum size is 3 feet by 5 feet
- Sponsor name should be on top centered for the recognition
- Team name
- AYSO region 922 should be on there
- Coaches names
- Players first names
AYSO Positions in the Region
The following are all volunteer positions and thanks you for remembering that during the entire season and thanking them for their time and efforts. We are nothing without our volunteers!
Referee this position is to respected and commended. The time these people take to get trained and certified by AYSO is a challenge to meet. Anyone who is 12 years old or older can be trained to become a regional referee. Each team should have a person who has completed the regional referee class so if we are in need of a referee on Sat. when someone does not show up for their time slot they have signed up for, you can help you kids keep their game going and step in to help. All U-8 teams are required to have a referee for Saturday games. They must complete the referee clinics. Please see the calendar for the dates. Assistant referees are very important to us they keep the side lines in check and keep track of substitutions so each player is getting his or her time to play, they also are to complete the regional referee class and are vital part of AYSO.
Coaches and Assistant Coaches these positions also in very important to our philosophy of AYSO. Each coach is trained by AYSO for the age bracket that he or she is coaching. For example: U-6 can be a beginning coach, then as you progress with us each year you can get trained as intermediate and then advanced. We encourage every coach to take as many classes in training so that you can continue as a volunteer. The coach is to run practice and to teach the AYSO good sportsmanship ideas to our children. They encourage and teach the game of soccer in an age specific plan. Each age group gets more and more involved and should be a lot of fun as well as competitive in the older groups. The coach is to coach our children. So if the team needs assistant in any other areas please step in and help out. We are sure the coach can use the help.
Team parents these positions are to be filled by the parents of the team. They are to help the team organization. Some duties might include snack scheduling, banner making, phone calls for the coach, fund raising and most of all to make sure the parents enjoy themselves as much as our kids do.
Player Information
As a player in AYSO you join an organization that is specifically for the fun and learning of the game of soccer. We take pride in our region and hope that your experience in Region 922 is and great one. You will receive a uniform which is yours to keep after the season ends. This uniform is for wearing on game days only. The uniform will consist of a jersey, shorts and a pair of soccer socks. You can not add anything to the jersey such as a name, patches or extra numbers. No advertising on the uniform is allowed. You as a player you are to wear shin guards at all times while you are practicing and during the games. The socks are to cover the entire shin guard and be tucked in at the top. Cleats can be worn at practice or at games. No metal cleats are allowed, and no toe cleat on any shoe is allowed. No jewelry is allowed at all. No casts of any sort is allowed on a player at practice or during a game. If there is any injury we will have to get a doctors release for the player to return to practice and games. If the day is cold and wet other clothing can be worn under the AYSO uniform, the goal keeper can wear sweats out side his shorts if there is no grass near the goal or during inclement weather.
Game times for each division -
U-19 45 minutes each half for a total time of 90 minutes
U-17 40 minutes each half for a total time of 80 minutes
U-16 40 minutes each half for a total time of 80 minutes
U-14 35 minutes each half for a total time of 70 minutes
U-12 30 minutes each half for a total time of 60 minutes
U-10 25 minutes each half for a total time of 50 minutes
U-08 20 minutes each half for a total time of 40 minutes
U-06 10 minutes each half for a total time of 30 minutes
Team size and Participation
The rosters for the teams are as follows
U-6: 5 players Roster, 3 players on the field of play
U-8: 7 players Roster, 5 players on the field of play
U-10: 9 players Roster, 7 players on the field of play
U-12: 11 players Roster, 9 players on the field of play
U-14: 15 players Roster, 11 players on the field of play
U-16: 15 players Roster, 11 players on the field of play
U-17: 18 players Roster, 11 players on the field of play
U-19: 18 players Roster, 11 players on the field of play
Each player should participate in practice as well as games. It is the responsibility of the player to get to practice on time and to follow all the rules and guidelines of the game of soccer. The most important item for a player is to enjoy the game and have fun. Remember we are all here for the same thing.
Soccer Ball information

Each child should have a soccer ball. The player should bring it to practice every time, the coach is not supplied with enough for all and each player should have his or her own ball. The player is to bring it along to games to use to get warmed up before a game. Please mark your name on your ball so if lost it can be returned to you.
The correct size for each age group is as follows
U-6, U-8: size 3
U-10,U-12: size 4
U-14,16,17.19: size 5
Field preparation
The fields are to be set up every morning we have games and of course all done by the volunteers, If you are the home team and have the first game of the day please have some of your parents help set up the nets flags and any other field preparation necessary. Then if you are the last game of the day and are the visiting team please have your parents take down the nets and put them away. If both teams participate both pm and am this will make the process even easier for all and it is great to get know the other team’s parents so get involved.
Field usage of parks and school facilities
All of our fields in Pima County and Oro Valley. We are responsible for proper usage of these facilities. If we abuse them in any way we are liable for the damage. Along with this remember there is no smoking allowed at the parks. Animals are also not allowed. We are to make sound judgments for the use of all our fields so remember pick up your trash, keep it clean and we can come back next year. Coaches get to choose the time and place of their practices. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Hightower, Field Coordinator at ayso922ClubSoccer.

The game is generally played rain or shine. The game is not necessarily cancelled because of rain, wind or muddy fields. The only person to cancel a game is the referee on the field. The judgment to do this is his or hers to make. If there is any question regarding this he can get a hold of the RC, Referee administrator, Safety Coordinator, Asst RC, to assist in the decision. The games if cancelled will not be made up during the regular season.
Soccer is generally a safe sport. If an accident occurs during a game let the referee take care of the situation and let him or her call the coach on to the field, if needed then the coach can ask for assistance. If we all follow the referees judgment then there is no problems regarding injuries or any more delay in the game. Nine out of ten times the player who is hurt will get up and want to play on. Thanks for your help parents in these situations.
Insurance Coverage
AYSO carries insurance on all players and volunteers. It is a reimbursement program and used as a secondary insurance. If an accident occurs and you wish to file a claim contact Claudia Hightower at [email protected]. The coach should contact Claudia within 24 hours of any injury to any player or volunteer.
Kid Zone

Kid Zone is a program that educates the players as well as parents and spectators to play nice. It is to educate us on how to have a positive attitude towards the game, players, coaches, referees, and other parents. No alcohol, tobacco, or fire arms of any sort are allowed at any AYSO function so please follow these simple rules. The rules for parent behavior is very simple have fun, remember the people who volunteer their time are not paid and can make mistakes too. Remember we are all here to be safe and have fun with our children. As parents let’s be a positive role model for all the kids.
If a player does not participate in practice and does not show up for games, please coaches, contact the parents and find out what is happening, it is very important for players to participate for themselves as well as for the team. No player without proper consideration by the coaching administrator can be suspended off a team, or disciplined in harsh manners please contact the proper person in the matter. Remember we are here to make this a great experience for our kids in this organization. During a game if a player is yellow carded or red carded by the referee. The guidelines set down by the official rules will stand. This goes for any coach that is warned by yellow or disciplined by a red card.
Skills day
Skills day is for all the U-6 and U-8 players to demonstrate their abilities they have learned over the season. The players will go through the following stations to show family and coaches the abilities.
- Dribbling
- Laces kick ( U-6 long pass, U-8 goal kick )
- Inside foot push pass
- Inside foot ball control
- Shot on goal
- Throw in
After the skills day event, closing ceremonies for all players that attend will commence. Each player will receive a participation award and other items of importance will be addressed. So please attend this it is a lot of fun to participate as well as watch.
Closing ceremonies

These events show the closing of our regular season. It is important to attend because of the follow items. The kids! They all get a participation award, the sponsors get recognized one last time, announcements for the next year, travel team information is given out, and most of all it is the last time we are all together to show how much fun it really is to play soccer in a great organization. Check the calendar for the dates of these ceremonies and be there. Thank you.
All-star teams or Travel Teams
The players are given the chance to participate in an All-star try out. They are evaluated by the coaches who have expressed interest in being an all-star coach. Who have been chosen by the AYSO Board. These volunteers are to be intermediate certified by AYSO and to have coached in the season on a regular team for the age group they have expressed interest in.
These teams are formed and operate only after the regular season is over. The funding is completely separate from the regular season. The funds are to be collected and given to the AYSO Regional Treasurer this person then disburses funds by check for fees, uniforms, or any expenses that is needed for the travel team. The participation of this is completely voluntary. The players who are selected will have the opportunity to participate in tournaments thru-out the south west and to travel as a group with parents and players. All guidelines as far as rules, regulations and insurance are still in force for our travel teams. This is a group of players and parents that represent AYSO Region 922 of Tucson, AZ. so go enjoy and have a lot of fun.