Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Come play with us!


We are so glad you want to volunteer! 
We are nothing without our volunteers.


Helpful Computer desk help contacts:  
BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

Online Training at AYSOU:

Who to Contact:

Volunteer Coordinator:  Patrice Davis at:  [email protected]

Referees, email Chris Boney at:

Coaches, email Luis Alvarez at:  [email protected]

Team Parents, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]

Field painting and equipment, email Brad Dolman at:  [email protected]

Assist on registration days, email Cindy Wilson at:  [email protected]

Or email the Regional Commissioner at: [email protected]

I need to get my ID checked for my volunteer application, who do I contact?

Thanks so much for volunteering.   We have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  
They are:

Patrice Davis, Volouteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]
Liz Weatherly, CVPA at [email protected] 

What is AYSO?
AYSO is a volunteer-run organization. Coaches, referees and administrators are ALL volunteers. Yep, every single last person you see helping is a volunteer from the top to the bottom.  Nationwide, over 220,000 parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.  AYSO's volunteer foundation ensures that it's all about what's good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its "profits" are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.  AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:  

  • Abides by the AYSO philosophies
  • Offers a great AYSO experience
  • Continues to grow, offering the AYSO opportunity to more children

It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you're not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region!  AYSO training doesn't stop as long as you're having fun. Referees, coaches and administrators have clinics, workshops and other advanced training available to advance their skills. 

Want to know more about AYSO?  Check out the National AYSO website at:

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does!


How do I become a volunteer?  It's easy


Step 1:  Online Application

AYSO National's chose a new registration process.  Everyone must use the new system to sign up this year.  

Click button for a quick redirect:  This button takes you to the same place as hitting the "Login" button on the home screen top right corner.  See example in the photo below.

Note:  Since this is our first year of using this system, everyone needs to fill out the volunteer application.  It will give you an opportunity to click "Returning Volunteer".
Note:  If you have signed up your child to play soccer on this new site, you already have an account.  Sign into that account.  Skip to "Login" step.

Try using a browser besides Safari. We have heard this one can cause glitches. Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer tend to work better.  

Click on "Login":  

If you haven'nt created an account yet, click on "Create Account":

Or if you have already created your account (this is the same account you use to register to your player) "Sign in":

Click on "Volunteer": 

Then click on "Find Volunteer Roles"

Then Click on "Select" (see arrow 1) and "View Roles"  (see arrow 2).

Click on the one in the middle only.  Follow directions from there.  (Thanks for volunteering).  Note:  Volunteer positions are alphabetized.  You will find Coach under "Head Coach".

Upon completion of your online volunteer application, every volunteer applicant is immediately background checked so that we may have a safe group of volunteers working with all of our children.

Volunteers are paid in six figures...S-M-I-L-E-S.


  • Please print 1 copy of your Volunteer Application.  (Note:  You have to sign up as a volunteer each fiscal year.  Our fiscal year is August 1 - July 31).
  • If you get stuck, no worries, simply call 866-253-3303 to get the computer help desk.
  • Write down your AYSO ID #.  You will need it for your online training. 

Volunteers don't get paid, not because their worthless, but because they're priceless!

Step 2 - ID Check

Next step is your ID check.  We have several options to make it easy for you to get your ID checked.  Bring your printed copy of your volunteer application with you to your ID check.

 You can bring your Volunteer Application to one of the Registration Events where we sign up the kids for soccer.
 We also have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  Simply email them to request an ID check.    They are:

  1. Liz Weatherly at: [email protected]
  2. Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected] 
  3. Leslie Pugh at:  [email protected] 
  4. Claudia Hightower at: [email protected]
  5. Or email our Volunteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]  to let her know it is completed. She will set up a time to meet to collect your application and verify your ID.

Step 3 - Now it's time to do some online training...

Click here to start your Online Volunteer Training

If you are a new volunteer, courses to take are:

-AYSO CDC Concussion Awareness (45-60 minute online training course)
-AYSO's Save Haven - Course MT02 - (60-70 minute online training course)

For New and Returning volunteers:

Coaches:  If you need coach/assistant coach training or additional coach/assistant coach training, email Luis Alvarez, Coach Administrator at: [email protected]
Also see Coach Clinic website page for specific directions on specific division webinar training at:  Coach Clinic page click here

Referees:  If you need ref training or additional ref training email Chris Boney, Referee Administrator at:
Also see Referee website page for specific details on referee webinar training at:  Referee Training website page click here
Team Parents:  If you need team parent training, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]
For Team Parent page/directions click here
For Team Parent Handbook click here

 All you need to start your online training is the AYSO ID# you were assigned when you signed up as a volunteer.  Please start your online training today.  Please email our Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions.  We do need you to complete the online training before we can approve your volunteer status.    If you can't find your AYSO ID #, simply call 800-872-2967 and ask for the computer help desk.  They will find it for you.  Thanks for completing it as soon as possible. 

Click here to start your Online Volunteer Training



  • You will need your AYSO ID Number to sign in to  You will find this on your AYSO Volunteer Application (top right corner).



Everyone needs to take Safe Haven Training and Concussion Training at least once.  You can take it again if you'd like.
Take your specific training as to the volunteer job you would like, such as “Referee Training” or Coach Training.

I want more info on becoming a:


Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.

Have questions?
Please email our Volunteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]

What is Safe Haven Training?

Safe Haven is a program designed to address a growing need for child and volunteer protection.
Child Protection

There are four elements in the Safe Haven intervention cycle. These are intended to stop child abuse and its agents before they get into the program

  • Create Policies
  • Screen Volunteers
  • Train Volunteers
  • Promote Education and Awareness

AYSO's Safe Haven Program for Parents

Volunteer Protection Act of 1997

This law grants immunity form certain types of prosecution for volunteers who meet its requirements. In order to receive full protection under the law, AYSO volunteers need three things.

  • They must be properly trained and certified.
  • They must be performing duties as laid out in a position description.
  • They must act within the scope of AYSO's Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.

Kindess is like a boomerang, it always returns.

AYSO Certification

AYSO's goal is to provide certification training for all its volunteers. Certification offers the hope that every AYSO child will be treated with understanding, compassion, and respect. 

Have additional questions about volunteering?

Check out the National AYSO Website Volunteer Section.  Click here to go there now.

Or our Volunteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]

Volunteers don't necessarily have the time...They have the HEART!

Everyone at AYSO 922 is a volunteer.  
Have you thanked a volunteer today?



Helpful Computer desk help contacts:  
BlueSombrero's support team at 
866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

Online Training at AYSOU:

Who to Contact:

Volunteer Coordinator:  Patrice Davis at:  [email protected]

Referees, email Chris Boney at:

Coaches, email Luis Alvarez at:  [email protected]

Team Parents, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]

Field painting and equipment, email Brad Dolman at:  [email protected]

Assist on registration days, email Cindy Wilson at:  [email protected]

Or email the Regional Commissioner at: [email protected]

Thanks so much for volunteering.   We have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  
They are:

Patrice Davis, Volouteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]
Liz Weatherly, CVPA at [email protected] 

What is AYSO?
AYSO is a volunteer-run organization. Coaches, referees and administrators are ALL volunteers. Yep, every single last person you see helping is a volunteer from the top to the bottom.  Nationwide, over 220,000 parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.  AYSO's volunteer foundation ensures that it's all about what's good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its "profits" are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.  AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:  

It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you're not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region!  AYSO training doesn't stop as long as you're having fun. Referees, coaches and administrators have clinics, workshops and other advanced training available to advance their skills. 

Want to know more about AYSO?  Check out the National AYSO website at:

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does!


We are so glad you want to volunteer! 
We are nothing without our volunteers.


Helpful Computer desk help contacts:  
BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

Online Training at AYSOU:

Who to Contact:

Volunteer Coordinator:  Patrice Davis at:  [email protected]

Referees, email Chris Boney at:

Coaches, email Luis Alvarez at:  [email protected]

Team Parents, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]

Field painting and equipment, email Brad Dolman at:  [email protected]

Assist on registration days, email Cindy Wilson at:  [email protected]

Or email the Regional Commissioner at: [email protected]

I need to get my ID checked for my volunteer application, who do I contact?

Thanks so much for volunteering.   We have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  
They are:

Patrice Davis, Volouteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]
Liz Weatherly, CVPA at [email protected] 

What is AYSO?
AYSO is a volunteer-run organization. Coaches, referees and administrators are ALL volunteers. Yep, every single last person you see helping is a volunteer from the top to the bottom.  Nationwide, over 220,000 parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.  AYSO's volunteer foundation ensures that it's all about what's good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its "profits" are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.  AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:  

  • Abides by the AYSO philosophies
  • Offers a great AYSO experience
  • Continues to grow, offering the AYSO opportunity to more children

It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you're not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region!  AYSO training doesn't stop as long as you're having fun. Referees, coaches and administrators have clinics, workshops and other advanced training available to advance their skills. 

Want to know more about AYSO?  Check out the National AYSO website at:

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does!

We are so glad you want to volunteer! 
We are nothing without our volunteers.


Helpful Computer desk help contacts:  
BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

Online Training at AYSOU:

Who to Contact:

Volunteer Coordinator:  Patrice Davis at:  [email protected]

Referees, email Chris Boney at:

Coaches, email Luis Alvarez at:  [email protected]

Team Parents, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]

Field painting and equipment, email Brad Dolman at:  [email protected]

Assist on registration days, email Cindy Wilson at:  [email protected]

Or email the Regional Commissioner at: [email protected]

I need to get my ID checked for my volunteer application, who do I contact?

Thanks so much for volunteering.   We have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  
They are:

Patrice Davis, Volouteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]
Liz Weatherly, CVPA at [email protected] 

What is AYSO?
AYSO is a volunteer-run organization. Coaches, referees and administrators are ALL volunteers. Yep, every single last person you see helping is a volunteer from the top to the bottom.  Nationwide, over 220,000 parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.  AYSO's volunteer foundation ensures that it's all about what's good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its "profits" are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.  AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:  

  • Abides by the AYSO philosophies
  • Offers a great AYSO experience
  • Continues to grow, offering the AYSO opportunity to more children

It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you're not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region!  AYSO training doesn't stop as long as you're having fun. Referees, coaches and administrators have clinics, workshops and other advanced training available to advance their skills. 

Want to know more about AYSO?  Check out the National AYSO website at:

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does!


We are so glad you want to volunteer! 
We are nothing without our volunteers.


Helpful Computer desk help contacts:  
BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

Online Training at AYSOU:

Who to Contact:

Volunteer Coordinator:  Patrice Davis at:  [email protected]

Referees, email Chris Boney at:

Coaches, email Luis Alvarez at:  [email protected]

Team Parents, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]

Field painting and equipment, email Brad Dolman at:  [email protected]

Assist on registration days, email Cindy Wilson at:  [email protected]

Or email the Regional Commissioner at: [email protected]

I need to get my ID checked for my volunteer application, who do I contact?

Thanks so much for volunteering.   We have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  
They are:

Patrice Davis, Volouteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]
Liz Weatherly, CVPA at [email protected] 

What is AYSO?
AYSO is a volunteer-run organization. Coaches, referees and administrators are ALL volunteers. Yep, every single last person you see helping is a volunteer from the top to the bottom.  Nationwide, over 220,000 parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.  AYSO's volunteer foundation ensures that it's all about what's good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its "profits" are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.  AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:  

  • Abides by the AYSO philosophies
  • Offers a great AYSO experience
  • Continues to grow, offering the AYSO opportunity to more children

It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you're not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region!  AYSO training doesn't stop as long as you're having fun. Referees, coaches and administrators have clinics, workshops and other advanced training available to advance their skills. 

Want to know more about AYSO?  Check out the National AYSO website at:

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does!


We are so glad you want to volunteer! 
We are nothing without our volunteers.


Helpful Computer desk help contacts:  
BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

Online Training at AYSOU:

Who to Contact:

Volunteer Coordinator:  Patrice Davis at:  [email protected]

Referees, email Chris Boney at:

Coaches, email Luis Alvarez at:  [email protected]

Team Parents, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]

Field painting and equipment, email Brad Dolman at:  [email protected]

Assist on registration days, email Cindy Wilson at:  [email protected]

Or email the Regional Commissioner at: [email protected]

I need to get my ID checked for my volunteer application, who do I contact?

Thanks so much for volunteering.   We have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  
They are:

Patrice Davis, Volouteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]
Liz Weatherly, CVPA at [email protected] 

What is AYSO?
AYSO is a volunteer-run organization. Coaches, referees and administrators are ALL volunteers. Yep, every single last person you see helping is a volunteer from the top to the bottom.  Nationwide, over 220,000 parents, neighbors, relatives and friends lend their time and talents so that each child gets a terrific AYSO experience.  AYSO's volunteer foundation ensures that it's all about what's good for kids. It also makes AYSO very affordable. AYSO operates in a business manner, but volunteers ensure its "profits" are happy, healthy kids playing a sport they can enjoy for life.  AYSO has developed special training that helps parents who may have little or no soccer experience quickly gain the age-appropriate knowledge and skills they need to be effective coaches and referees. It also has unique administrative and management training. This ensures that each community program:  

  • Abides by the AYSO philosophies
  • Offers a great AYSO experience
  • Continues to grow, offering the AYSO opportunity to more children

It only takes a few hours to become qualified as an introductory-level coach or referee. But if you're not able to commit even that much time, there are many small jobs you can help with. Even a couple of hours each season are an important contribution to your team and Region!  AYSO training doesn't stop as long as you're having fun. Referees, coaches and administrators have clinics, workshops and other advanced training available to advance their skills. 

Want to know more about AYSO?  Check out the National AYSO website at:

Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does!


How do I become a volunteer?  It's easy


Step 1:  Online Application

AYSO National's chose a new registration process.  Everyone must use the new system to sign up this year.  

Click button for a quick redirect:  This button takes you to the same place as hitting the "Login" button on the home screen top right corner.  See example in the photo below.

Note:  Since this is our first year of using this system, everyone needs to fill out the volunteer application.  It will give you an opportunity to click "Returning Volunteer".
Note:  If you have signed up your child to play soccer on this new site, you already have an account.  Sign into that account.  Skip to "Login" step.

Try using a browser besides Safari. We have heard this one can cause glitches. Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer tend to work better.  

Click on "Login":  

If you haven'nt created an account yet, click on "Create Account":

Or if you have already created your account (this is the same account you use to register to your player) "Sign in":

Click on "Volunteer": 

Then click on "Find Volunteer Roles"

Then Click on "Select" (see arrow 1) and "View Roles"  (see arrow 2).

Click on the one in the middle only.  Follow directions from there.  (Thanks for volunteering).  Note:  Volunteer positions are alphabetized.  You will find Coach under "Head Coach".

Upon completion of your online volunteer application, every volunteer applicant is immediately background checked so that we may have a safe group of volunteers working with all of our children.

Volunteers are paid in six figures...S-M-I-L-E-S.

  • Please print 1 copy of your Volunteer Application.  (Note:  You have to sign up as a volunteer each fiscal year.  Our fiscal year is August 1 - July 31).
  • If you get stuck, no worries, simply call 866-253-3303 to get the computer help desk.
  • Write down your AYSO ID #.  You will need it for your online training. 

Volunteers don't get paid, not because their worthless, but because they're priceless!

Step 2 - ID Check

Next step is your ID check.  We have several options to make it easy for you to get your ID checked.  Bring your printed copy of your volunteer application with you to your ID check.

 You can bring your Volunteer Application to one of the Registration Events where we sign up the kids for soccer.
We also have several trained, certified CVPA's at your service to make it easy to get your ID completed.  Simply email them to request an ID check.    They are:

  1. Liz Weatherly at: [email protected]
  2. Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected] 
  3. Leslie Pugh at:  [email protected] 
  4. Claudia Hightower at: [email protected]
  5. Or email our Volunteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]  to let her know it is completed. She will set up a time to meet to collect your application and verify your ID.

Step 3 - Now it's time to do some online training...

Click here to start your Online Volunteer Training

If you are a new volunteer, courses to take are:

-AYSO CDC Concussion Awareness (45-60 minute online training course)
-AYSO's Save Haven - Course MT02 - (60-70 minute online training course)

For New and Returning volunteers:

Coaches:  If you need coach/assistant coach training or additional coach/assistant coach training, email Luis Alvarez, Coach Administrator at: [email protected]
Also see Coach Clinic website page for specific directions on specific division webinar training at:  Coach Clinic page click here

Referees:  If you need ref training or additional ref training email Chris Boney, Referee Administrator at:
Also see Referee website page for specific details on referee webinar training at:  Referee Training website page click here
Team Parents:  If you need team parent training, email Paulina Ortiz at:  [email protected]
For Team Parent page/directions click here
For Team Parent Handbook click here

 All you need to start your online training is the AYSO ID# you were assigned when you signed up as a volunteer.  Please start your online training today.  Please email our Volunteer Coordinator if you have any questions.  We do need you to complete the online training before we can approve your volunteer status.    If you can't find your AYSO ID #, simply call 800-872-2967 and ask for the computer help desk.  They will find it for you.  Thanks for completing it as soon as possible. 

Click here to start your Online Volunteer Training



  • You will need your AYSO ID Number to sign in to  You will find this on your AYSO Volunteer Application (top right corner).



Everyone needs to take Safe Haven Training and Concussion Training at least once.  You can take it again if you'd like.
Take your specific training as to the volunteer job you would like, such as “Referee Training” or Coach Training.

I want more info on becoming a:


Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.

Have questions?
Please email our Volunteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]

What is Safe Haven Training?

Safe Haven is a program designed to address a growing need for child and volunteer protection.
Child Protection

There are four elements in the Safe Haven intervention cycle. These are intended to stop child abuse and its agents before they get into the program

  • Create Policies
  • Screen Volunteers
  • Train Volunteers
  • Promote Education and Awareness

AYSO's Safe Haven Program for Parents

Volunteer Protection Act of 1997

This law grants immunity form certain types of prosecution for volunteers who meet its requirements. In order to receive full protection under the law, AYSO volunteers need three things.

  • They must be properly trained and certified.
  • They must be performing duties as laid out in a position description.
  • They must act within the scope of AYSO's Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.

Kindess is like a boomerang, it always returns.

AYSO Certification

AYSO's goal is to provide certification training for all its volunteers. Certification offers the hope that every AYSO child will be treated with understanding, compassion, and respect. 

Have additional questions about volunteering?

Check out the National AYSO Website Volunteer Section.  Click here to go there now.

Or our Volunteer Coordinator at:  [email protected]

Volunteers don't necessarily have the time...They have the HEART!

Everyone at AYSO 922 is a volunteer.  
Have you thanked a volunteer today?

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1231

AYSO 1231, PO Box 1018
Willcox, Arizona 85644

Email Us: [email protected]
Copyright © 2025 Region 1231  |  Privacy Statement |  Terms Of Use |  License Agreement |  Children's Privacy Policy  Login