Helpful Contacts:
BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].
I'm ready to register my soccer player now:
Awesome, click "Apply Online Now" link below to redirect.

Parent Registration FAQs click here.
Parent Online Registration instructions provided by BlueSombrero click here.
The fee in the BlueSombrero instructions is not the fee for our programs. These are sample instructions only.
Instructions for the new website player application process:First Click "Register Now"
Fill in your new account information, then click "Create Account"
If you previously created your account, click "Sign In"
Look for your program such as "2017 Fall Soccer". Click on "Register" to the right of the program (see arrow 1), then click on "Continue" (see arrow 2). Follow the Step by Step instructions to create your new account.

If you logged out of your account after completing your soccer player's application but did not pay yet...Once you have logged back in, click on the icon that looks like a cart when you are ready to pay.
I'm ready to register my soccer player now:
Awesome, click "Apply Online Now" link below to redirect.

Welcome to AYSO Region 1231!
We can't wait to see you on the field
Special notes for yearly programs...
Spring Soccer Registration notes
Note: We run on a fiscal year of August 1st-July 31st
My child played soccer the prior Fall Soccer (same school year):
If your child played in the AYSO Fall Soccer league you are already in the database for this fiscal year. We will see you at the registration event so you can make your payment for Spring Soccer.
My child did NOT play Fall Soccer (same school year):
Please follow 3 step directions above "How Do I Register My Child for AYSO Region 922?"
Fall Soccer:
Parents, please wait until April 1, 2017 to sign your child up for Fall Soccer 2017. We are switching to a new database. AYSO Region 922 runs on a fiscal year of Aug. 1, 2017 - July 31, 2018.
How Do I sign up for Spring Soccer?
Spring Soccer details.
How do I sign up for AYSO Region 922 Challenge FC (Club) Teams?
For more information about AYSO Challenge FC (Club) Teams click here.
How do I sign up for AYSO Travel Teams?
For more information about AYSO Travel Teams click here.