Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Come play with us!




Field Directory


Benson 14U Field

599 S Dragoon St Benson Arizona United States 85602

(Last updated 08/21/22 at 09:37 AM )

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Field 1

(Last updated 08/21/22 at 09:37 AM )

Willcox High School 14U Field

240 N Bisbee Ave Willcox Arizona United States 85643

(Last updated 08/21/23 at 08:46 PM )

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Field 1

(Last updated 08/22/23 at 12:27 PM )

Keiller Park

500 N Bisbee Ave Willcox Arizona United States 85643

(Last updated 07/05/22 at 12:41 PM )

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U6 Field

(Last updated 07/05/22 at 12:41 PM )

U8 Field

(Last updated 07/05/22 at 12:41 PM )

U10 Field

(Last updated 07/05/22 at 12:41 PM )

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.



AYSO is a completely volunteer organization.  We need you today!!!

Volunteer Power

AYSO runs on volunteer power. Nearly 150,000 registered volunteers run the local AYSO programs all over the country.  Every coach, referee, Regional Commissioner – the list goes on – is a volunteer. Even the National Board of Directors and National President are AYSO volunteers. If it wasn’t for the thousands of volunteers throughout the U.S. donating their time every season, AYSO wouldn’t be as successful and far-reaching as it is today. 

Thank you for volunteering for AYSO Region 1231.  We need you!!!

How do I become a volunteer?


1.)  Go to: "Register Now" and click on "I am new to AYSO and want to be a volunteer".  
2.)  Once you have your volunteer id, go to and log in. This will take you to SportConnect. You will need to log into the AYSOU site to complete the online Safe Haven course.  This requirement applies to ALL volunteers: team parents, coaches, referees, etc.

Volunteer Protection Act of 1997

This law grants immunity form certain types of prosecution for volunteers who meet its requirements. In order to receive full protection under the law, AYSO volunteers need three things.

  • They must be properly trained and certified.
  • They must be performing duties as laid out in a position description.
  • They must act within the scope of AYSO's Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines.

AYSO Certification

AYSO's goal is to provide certification training for all its volunteers. Certification offers the hope that every AYSO child will be treated with understanding, compassion, and respect.

Please email us at [email protected] with any questions!

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1231

AYSO 1231, PO Box 1018
Willcox, Arizona 85644

Email Us: [email protected]
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