Region 1231's Volunteer Referee Administrator is
Referees are the guardians of the game, and are as critical to soccer as players and coaches since their role is to maintain a safe, fair, and fun soccer experience for the KIDS. AYSO always needs more referees; the game can’t be played if there aren’t enough referees. It’s most common for a volunteer to begin their AYSO referee career by assisting with their own child’s game. However, as they learn the rules, develop their own techniques for managing players, coaches and fans, and gain an appreciation for how important the role of the referee is to a safe, fair, and fun soccer experience, they often find it very rewarding to expand their knowledge and experience through AYSO’s advanced training and certification process.
AYSO’s referee training is considered some of the best in the U.S. and includes both in-person courses in our community and online opportunities. Soccer knowledge is a plus, but is certainly not required. The AYSO referee training will give you all you need to know to have a terrific experience on the field.
In AYSO, it’s about more than the game!
New Referee Sign up
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in becoming a Referee! Here are the 3 steps you need to take to become an AYSO Referee.
(1) Click on the big red button above to fill out your volunteer registration fully (meaning past the electronic signature step) on the AYSO website hosted by Blue Sombrero. YOU MUST HAVE APPLIED TO BE A VOLUNTEER BEFORE YOU CAN ENROLL AND TAKE ANY REFEREE (or any other volunteer) TRAINING CLASSES.
2) Take the mandatory and relatively short Online Safe Haven course and the CDC Concussion Awareness course at AYSOU.ORG. You must have a valid Blue Sombrero Volunteer login to begin training.
(3) Check our Referee Clinics section below to see the upcoming courses, and enroll in the one that works best for you. You do not have to take 922's course. Any AYSO-certified and taught course is valid.
2016-2017 version of the Laws of the Game (FIFA website, pdf)
Changes to the Laws of the Game for 2016 (pdf)
Region 922 Referee Guidance (pdf)
Area 12A Referee Training Courses

To sign up for a class: Log into AYSOU.ORG with your account from AYSO922 (Blue Sombrero).
Click on My Courses
Click on the "Open" button next to Instructor Led Courses
Click on the "Open" button next to Referee Instructor Led Courses
Click on "Sessions" next to Regional Referee Course
They are listed from all over the country in chronological order
Basic Referee Course, Area 12A Training hosted by Region 350
When: Saturday, Sept 2, from 8:30am to ~5 pm ; lunch will be provided
Where: TBD
Basic Referee Course, Area 12A Training hosted by Region 922
When: Saturday, Sept 9, from 8:30am to 5 pm
Where: Golder Ranch Fire Station # 377 Classroom, 355 E Linda Vista Rd, Oro Valley, AZ 85737 (Oracle & E. Linda Vista)
BEFORE coming to any classes, you MUST register as a volunteer on AYSO922.ORG and enroll in the course roster through AYSOU.
Intermediate Referee Course,
Preseason Referee Meeting for Returning Referees in 922
Who: Current AYSO Referees in Region 922
When: TBD
Referee Admin Volunteers
Regional Referee Administrator
Regional Director of Instruction
| Brent Michelson [email protected]
Regional Director of Assessment
| Brent Michelson (Acting) [email protected]
Referee Scheduler
Safe Haven and Concussion Training (must be registered AYSO volunteer first)

Please also see out National AYSO website Referee information:
Click here to redirect to the National AYSO Referee information.
Additional Referee Resources
Ready Set Ref pages 1-20
Ready Set Ref pages 21-30
Ready Set Ref pages 31-40
Ready Set Ref pages 41-60